Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day Eighteen...Videos!

I was looking online and found this video. It CRACKED me up! If you watch Family Guy, you'll recognize the baby's voice!


I saw this one too. It's about as much spanish as I know!

One Semester of Spanish - Spanish Love Song

So, on to different stuff. I quit my night job to sub full time. Well, the first 3 days, I've had nothing! But, I have a job tomorrow and half of Friday. Then I have a full day job next Monday and a half day next Friday. Things are coming in quite nicely. It'll be a difficult adjustment from being paid every 2 weeks to once a month at the end of the month. But, God is good...God always provides...God is always faithful! He'll see me through this transition and meet my needs. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me. I appreciate it!

Bible Study...

So, tonight I went to Bible Study with my girlfriend. It was SO good. We're studying Ephesians 5 which is a heavy chapter, but we talked a LOT about what being an imitator of God is all about. What does that mean in our lives? How can we "be holy as [He] is holy"? It is less about WHAT we DO and more about WHO we ARE. God, through Christ, makes a way for us to be holy. It's amazing! God loves us! Yay!

1 comment:

La Moob said...

I've been thinking that I would love to have some sort of Bible study...but with the college courses and FPU I don't know where I could fit it in. :( I am glad you had a good time!