Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day Eleven...Another Day at the Factory...Blech!

So, I really don't want to go to work today. I really don't want to be there. I think I've gotten myself worked up again...I really want to teach. I don't know how much more of this I can take. One thing I think I've discovered...maybe the reason I'm having so many headaches at work is because I'm straining to hear and understand my customers over the phones. It is really difficult. I was talking to one of my friends, who also has tinnitus, and she used to work for WaMu. She had the same difficulty...trying to understand over the phone, then if there was any background noise from the caller's environment, and/or background noise from her environment, she really had to strain to hear. So, maybe that's some of the issue. But, I do know that it's becoming harder and harder to go to work every day.

I was supposed to hear back from Issaquah last Friday. It's now Thursday. I've heard nothing. It's becoming a pattern with me. I have no idea what's going on. ARGH!

On a brighter note, I got a B in the class I completed...from LAST YEAR! It's good to have one more thing off my plate. Now I have my research paper to write and my audiology question to answer and I'm done with my classes. The only thing left to do after that is my Comprehensive Exam on October 13th. Then, I finally get my degree in December. Then, I'll be DONE with school...until I go back to get my PhD! But, that will be a LONG time in the future...


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