Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day Forty-Three...Contemplations

Ok, so I know that I just finished my degree. And, I promised myself I would take a break. And, I'm planning on that. But, I must admit...I miss doing homework and learning. I've found a few colleges that have doctorate programs in Deaf Ed or related fields. I am very interested in pursuing my doctorate. I've come this far...I want to go all the way. Right now, the only way I could even CONSIDER doing that is if I could get full financial aid. The likelihood is that I'd have to take out more student loans. Right now, I have over $85k in student loans to begin paying off. That alone is going to kill me financially...especially if I have to continue subbing. I couldn't even consider continuing on unless I get full financial aid...grants, scholarships, etc.

Well, this is just the preliminary inquiry and I won't jump into anything without seeking wise counsel...

But, I do feel like God is leading me down that path...or at least inviting me to explore the idea.

We'll see...


Chuck said...

Congratulations on your achievement(s), and thanks for the link (and comments!).

Feel free to peruse the rest of the Strawn "Rattlings". :)

Chuck said...

I've got guesses... JW?

La Moob said...

Oh your mom's face when you said that...*giggle*