Monday, May 5, 2008

Day Eighty-Six...False Alarm

So, I was intending on returning to work today. After all, I haven't seen my kids in a month! I've been off for Spring Break, then sick for 3 weeks. Mt doctor gave me the Ok to head back to work today. Gosh...5:15 comes SO early, but at least it's light out. I seem to be solar-powered. If I have to get up early, I do better if it's light out.


So, I'm getting up, getting ready to shower when I get a call from my principal. He tells me he's glad I've been OK'd to return to work and that I'm feeling better. However, since I took such an extended absence, he authorized a substitute through Tuesday and that I would be able to return on Wednesday. Ok...I can do that.

The part that made me a little nervous (ok, a LOT nervous) was the fact that he said we would have a meeting on Wednesday with my union rep present. That's like going in to the principal's office and finding your parents have already been told everything that's going on and you're gonna be in BIG trouble when you get home. Ya, that's what my stomach feels like right now. No fun...

But they just CAN'T fire me...first, I'm in a contract. Second, I've been out because of a medical illness.


So, I've been looking for jobs elsewhere. Offices, other schools. I'll have to wait until Wednesday to see if I still have a job or I need to schedule any interviews.


I really wanted this job. Makes me sad I'm not going back in the fall. I DO know God has everything in control and everything happens for a reason and nothing happens without His knowledge and approval. Of THAT I am certain. The only drawback to being fired (ok, besides not having any money) is that I'll have to work this summer. I was SO looking forward to doing anything I wanted...or nothing at all! If I lose this job, I'll have to work this summer...not a BIG deal, but I was very much looking forward to having the time off and working if I WANTED to. I even applied for a short gig down at Washington School for the Deaf in Vancouver, WA for 2 weeks in the Total Immersion Sign Language Program. People come for a 6-day workshop where everything is conducted in ASL. EVERYTHING! No voices for 6 days! It's going to be GREAT! I can't get my students to turn their voices off for 6 minutes, let alone an entire period, an entire day! And there is 2 workshops. So it's a total of 12 days, working with people who WANT to be there, who have paid MONEY to be there, and are SERIOUS about improving their skills. I submitted my application a few days ago...we'll see what happens!


1 comment:

La Moob said...

Hence...the reason I said let's dig up your contract and determine if you've left a loophole somewhere that they can get you on...