Monday, June 9, 2008

Day Ninety-Eight...I Can Get Cable!

Ok, so I already have cable, but the title is in reference to a commercial that was on several years ago in which a girl gets a phone call from an employer offering her a job. While the employer is describing the job and benefits, you hear the girl's inner-voice saying "I got the job, I got the job! Who got the job? I got the job! I can move out of my parents' house. I can get a cat. Awww...I can get cable!"


I got the job! I got the job! Who got the job? I got the job! The Nanny job for the summer, that is! I have yet to hear about the teaching jobs. And, while I don't live with my parents, I don't want a cat and I already have cable, I can do some things with the extra money I'll be get out of debt, have my truck serviced and the AC fixed, and get my teaching certificate replaced and add my Deaf-Ed endorsement added at the same time. I'll be MUCH better off this way.

And, I just made my first play-date! My girlfriend has a membership to the zoo! She can get herself, her 4 year old and 1 other child in for free. Everyone else is half-price! I'm so excited. It'll be like being a real mom...only I get paid!

Hmmm...gotta make more names...brb

~ Iris Burrows...that is my summer charge.
~ Rosie-Posie Bramble of Willowbottom: my girlfriend from down south who is moving up north.
~ Peony Brockhouse of Loamsdown: Rosie-Posie's daughter.

Ok, so Rosie-Posie Bramble has the zoo membership. She can get Iris Burrows, Peony Brockhouse and herself in for free. Then if Moob agrees, I could get Millyra in for half price and myself for half price. That'd be WAY cool! Take a backpack with lunches, walk the zoo, eat, walk the rest of the zoo! How cool would that be!

In other news, I went back to the podiatrist. On July 1, I get custom made orthodics for my shoes. I have fallen arches in both feet, as well as tendonitis. I mentioned it earlier. My doctor also said that, although this issue happens to skinny people, too, if I lost a significant amount of weight, it would be very beneficial. I told him I was thinking about LapBand surgery and he totally agreed that I should explore that as an option. He even offered to write a letter of support and medical necessity. That should be transcribed and mailed to my house this week.

And, speaking of LapBand, my family and I are going to an informational meeting tomorrow evening to find more out about the procedure, etc. It should be interesting. I'll have to look again, but I believe that according to the surgical center's website, my insurance has historically paid for some or all of the procedure. If that's the case, I am SO jumping on that. I don't care if others think it's a crutch, a cop-out, the "easy way out", a temporary fix, the cheater's way, or any other negative perspective. I've tried and tried and tried to lose weight, but can't seem to get it under control. I told Moob the other day I've been on Weight Watchers about 6 times since I was 15 and lost 50 pounds about 10 times. So, I think this will be a good thing for me.

Well, I think that's all for now. Its already nearly 2 hours past my bedtime. Who knew at 32, I'd have a bed time...and it would be early! Heh!

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