Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day One-Hundred-Twenty-Four...Change of Heart

Well, if you read my last post, it was a bit on the melancholy side. But, today, I'm feeling a bit more ambitious. Here's why...

I spoke with some of my friends...the new ones I've made in class. They all were very encouraging, but not very helpful. I got "oh, don't quit now" and "i'll miss you in class", but nothing that really made me feel any better.

Then, I talked with Rosie-Posie. And, she told me how she saw it. The words that stuck out to me, and ultimately made me change my thinking, were "Well, you have to decide what you want to do, but if you give up when things get a little but difficult, you'll never accomplish anything."

(Jaw hits the floor, mouth is gaping open in disbelief)

She KNOWS all I've dealt with. She KNOWS that I've faced trials and tribulations in my life. She KNOWS that I don't just run away when the going gets tough. Usually, I go shopping first! No, just kidding. Well, I do tend to rely on retail therapy when I'm down.

Anyway, I digress...

I was (almost) offended that she would talk to me like that. I felt very not-cared-for. But, I guess I was looking for an "it's ok...everyone will understand" from her and I really didn't get that at all! LOL! And, it was for the better. Because now, although it will be a LOT of work, not to mention a scheduling NIGHTMARE, I'm going to complete what I started. I'll be able to continue being financed through Worker Retraining at the college, have my tuition and books paid for, continue to work, earn enough to support my family AND not have regrets. And, THAT'S what's the most important to me.

Thanks, Rosie-Posie!

Off to do homework...


LOTS of homework!

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