Monday, December 3, 2007

Day Forty-Five...Back Home

Moob was in the hospital, the ER to be specific on Friday night for pain in her abdomen. She had been off work since last Monday (a week ago) with the same pain, continually getting worse over time. She went to the walk-in clinic on Wednesday and the idiot doctor there told her she was just "full of poo" (his words, not hers!). He poked around in there, squeezing her tummy, making her hurt a LOT! He sent her home, telling her to take laxitives and try to poo everything out. So, she did...and it didn't work. In fact, it got worse. She was in a LOT of pain. So, Friday night, she called my mom and asked if she could be taken to the ER. Once they got there, she was pretty much diagnosed right away with an inflamed gall bladder and stones. So, they admitted her after 10 hours in the ER and performed surgery on Saturday morning. She (we) stayed the night from Saturday to Sunday and came home Sunday afternoon.

She's still in some pain, so she's been sleeping in the front living room on her bed. We brought it down so she could still be "in the family" and not be holed up in her room for 2 weeks (her anticipated recovery time). I'm sleeping on the couch, taking the night shift for helping her out of bed and making sure the dog doesn't jump on her during the night. But, she's VERY happy that it's done and she's on the mend...a little frustrated at the walk-in clinic doctor...poking around, making it worse, but...(do I hear the word lawsuit?) to do numbers! Blech!

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