Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day One-Hundred-Two...Peeved

So, the old story goes:

~ Boy meets girl.
~ Girl gets to know boy a little.
~ Girl seems to get along well with boy.
~ Boy seems to look past much of the "negative" things about girl.
~ Girl is pleased.
~ Girl keeps talking with boy about many things.
~ Boy and girl seem to have much in common.
~ Boy mentions that girl's size is not a dealbreaker.
~ Girl makes fatal mistake of mentioning her dealbreakers.
~ Boy then becomes shark-faced jerk and tells girl that "the deal has been broken".
~ Girl confronts boy about mean and rude comments.
~ Boy gets meaner and meaner.
~ Girl is glad boy doesn't know where she lives.
~ Boy respones in a mean-spirited tone, saying he is just indifferent.
~ Girl explains that is no reason for being mean.
~ Girl tries to tell boy that her feelings were hurt.
~ Boy doesn't give a rip.
~ Boy goes into a sob story about being kicked out of the home he has shared with his brother for the last 16 years, and that girl and boy "not working out" is the least of his worries right now.
~ Girl, again, reminds him that is no excuse for being mean.
~ Boy laughs at girl.
~ Girls feeings are hurt even deeper.
~ Boy seemed like a nice guy...even complementing girl on her smile and making her feel good about herself.
~ Boy, was girl wrong!
~ Boy told girl to leave him alone.
~ Girl reminded boy that he was the one that initiated conversation, not girl.
~ Girl told boy that if he would stop writing, trying to defend his rude behavior, girl would have nothing to bother him about.
~ Boy said, "Ok, seriously...stop writing to me".
~ Girl blocked him.
~ Girl is really fed up with boys starting out seeming like gentlemen and turning into jerks.
~ Girl was really surprised, and excited, to get to know someone who really saw beyond all her imperfections.
~ Girl even told brother about boy and how good she felt about getting to know boy.
~ Girl shouldn't be this sad over it. After all, girl only knew boy through MySpace and for only a few days.
~ Girl, still, is sad.
~ Girls feelings are hurt.
~ Girl is doubting herself again.
~ Girl had stopped "looking" for a mate and boy just popped into her inbox.
~ Girl hadn't been on a dating site for months!
~ Girl was starting to be content with where she was.
~ Girl has gone back to school.
~ Girl is a nanny.
~ Girl was just coming to the point where it was OK to be where she was.
~ Boy really put a ripple in that pond.
~ Girl now has a date with Roomie to go dancing with new boys.
~ Girl, right now, doesn't care what boys they are.
~ Girl just wants to have some fun for a change.
~ Girl just wants to be Girl for now.
~ Girl wants to love, be loved, be in love, sure, but girl also wants to have a bit of fun before she's too old to have any.
~ Girl is losing hope.
~ Girl is very emotional right now.
~ Girl is starting to wonder what will become of her. Will she end up a "cat lady" with no cats?
~ Girl doesn't particularly like cats as pets.
~ Girl doesn't want to end up old and alone.
~ Girl wants to have a husband and children.
~ Girl isn't sure that's really ever going to happen.
~ Girl really is just stupid for being this upset over boy...especially since girl hardly knew boy.
~ Girl is just dumb.
~ Girl needs to get a life.
~ Girl needs to get out and meet people.
~ Girl is going with Roomie down south in a few weeks to have a blast...hopefully.
~ Boy has no idea how much words can cut deeply.
~ Girl feels really bad right now.
~ Girl is going to go to sleep and hopefully wake up feeling better.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day One-Hundred-One...I Fell Asleep!

I've been quite tired the last few weeks with the remodeling going on. Then, last night, Moob and Orangeblossom came home just as I was going to head to bed. Well, we hadn't talked all day, so I thought I'd stay up a little and catch up with them. An hour-and-a-half later, I finally went to bed...about 12:30. Mind you, that would be fine if I were on summer break. Wait, I AM on summer break, but I'm working. I get to hang out with Iris Burrows this summer! She's totally awesome, but that's another post.

So, I had to get up at 6:30 so I could be to Iris's house by 7:30 or so to get her to a class. I did. Her class is an hour long. I went up to the parking lot of QFC and started reading. I set my alarm to go off at 8:45 so I'd have 15 minutes to get back and pick her up. Well...I fell asleep reading Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. It's a hard book to follow, so it took a LOT of brain power. So, like I said, I fell asleep.

Needless to say, I over slept! I woke myself up at 9:30! I was 30 minutes late getting Iris at school! ARGH! Fortunately, she had somewhere safe to stay. We now have each others cell numbers if something happens again. I pray it won't, but just in case!

So, tonight, I'm going to bed early! I need to catch up on my ZZZ's!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day One Hundred...And Then, Rejected

So, I lost my job. Three and a half days before the end of the year. I stayed home several times due to genuine migraines and didn't get my doctor's notes in on time, so the HR woman fired me.

I was having fun...


At least I have the Nanny job for the summer. And, possibly some student loans I can live on.

We'll see...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


...THE MUSICAL! Yes, I just heard about it! It's coming to the Seattle 5th ave theater in August! I may have to take Millyra and Iris Burrows.

That'd be hilarious!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Day Niney-Nine...I Got Accepted!

I'm going back to school! Yes, yes I am! I'm getting a second BA in English, as well as my endorsement in English/Language Arts. So, hopefully, I'll be starting classes on June 23rd. Maybe. I was admitted on a "late admit", so I'm not sure if I'll start on the first day or not. I hope I do.

I'm hoping to take 2 classes on campus, and one online. The online will be Spanish. It's an immersion class. It'll be cool! The on-campus classes will be American Literature: Contemporary America and Special Studies in Literature: The Perils of Presence.

In the fall, I should be taking a full load in the evenings...I havent' quite figured out which ones I'm going to take. I have the option to take the following classes:

COMM 340 History of Mass Communication
COMM 201 Introduction to Communication I
COMM 202 Introduction to Communication II
ENGL 302 Critical Practice
ENGL 333 English Novel - Early and Middle 19t Century
ENGL 330 English Literature - The Romantic Age
ENGL 352 American Literature - The Early Nation
ENGL 353 American Literature - Later Nineteenth Century

For the Winter and Spring, I have the choice of the following classes:

Intro to Linguistic Thought
American Literatyre - The Colonial Period
American Literature - Later Nineteenth Century
Women Writers
The Composition Process
Reading Major Texts
Traditions in American Fiction
Rise of the English Novel
Early Novel: Early and Middle 19th Century
American Literatyre - Contemporary America
History of Film: 1960 - Present
Senior Seminar
Elementary Spanish II

I only have to take a total of 45 credits. So, that means with the 15 credits I'm taking, I only have to be in school for 3 quarters, meaning I'll graduate in Winter of 2008.

But, I may just continue through Spring and get a few extra credits. We'll see. I do want to take 2 years of Spanish. That would be very cool...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Day Ninety-Eight...I Can Get Cable!

Ok, so I already have cable, but the title is in reference to a commercial that was on several years ago in which a girl gets a phone call from an employer offering her a job. While the employer is describing the job and benefits, you hear the girl's inner-voice saying "I got the job, I got the job! Who got the job? I got the job! I can move out of my parents' house. I can get a cat. Awww...I can get cable!"


I got the job! I got the job! Who got the job? I got the job! The Nanny job for the summer, that is! I have yet to hear about the teaching jobs. And, while I don't live with my parents, I don't want a cat and I already have cable, I can do some things with the extra money I'll be get out of debt, have my truck serviced and the AC fixed, and get my teaching certificate replaced and add my Deaf-Ed endorsement added at the same time. I'll be MUCH better off this way.

And, I just made my first play-date! My girlfriend has a membership to the zoo! She can get herself, her 4 year old and 1 other child in for free. Everyone else is half-price! I'm so excited. It'll be like being a real mom...only I get paid!

Hmmm...gotta make more names...brb

~ Iris Burrows...that is my summer charge.
~ Rosie-Posie Bramble of Willowbottom: my girlfriend from down south who is moving up north.
~ Peony Brockhouse of Loamsdown: Rosie-Posie's daughter.

Ok, so Rosie-Posie Bramble has the zoo membership. She can get Iris Burrows, Peony Brockhouse and herself in for free. Then if Moob agrees, I could get Millyra in for half price and myself for half price. That'd be WAY cool! Take a backpack with lunches, walk the zoo, eat, walk the rest of the zoo! How cool would that be!

In other news, I went back to the podiatrist. On July 1, I get custom made orthodics for my shoes. I have fallen arches in both feet, as well as tendonitis. I mentioned it earlier. My doctor also said that, although this issue happens to skinny people, too, if I lost a significant amount of weight, it would be very beneficial. I told him I was thinking about LapBand surgery and he totally agreed that I should explore that as an option. He even offered to write a letter of support and medical necessity. That should be transcribed and mailed to my house this week.

And, speaking of LapBand, my family and I are going to an informational meeting tomorrow evening to find more out about the procedure, etc. It should be interesting. I'll have to look again, but I believe that according to the surgical center's website, my insurance has historically paid for some or all of the procedure. If that's the case, I am SO jumping on that. I don't care if others think it's a crutch, a cop-out, the "easy way out", a temporary fix, the cheater's way, or any other negative perspective. I've tried and tried and tried to lose weight, but can't seem to get it under control. I told Moob the other day I've been on Weight Watchers about 6 times since I was 15 and lost 50 pounds about 10 times. So, I think this will be a good thing for me.

Well, I think that's all for now. Its already nearly 2 hours past my bedtime. Who knew at 32, I'd have a bed time...and it would be early! Heh!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day Ninety-Seven...I Can't Sleep!

So, I thought I'd write down some of the things on my mind so hopefully I'll get tired and go to sleep...sincei have to be up at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow for work!

1) I have an interview for a summer Nanny/Companion/Tutor job about 15 minutes away from my house. It will be for an 11-year old girl who loves swimming. tennis, horse-back riding and other activities. In fact, the family owns horses that they board up north. Part of my job will be to drive her there a few days a week to ride. She's also dyslexic. She has school during the summer for about an hour, and also some reading homework to do so she doesn't regress (lose the progress she's made already), but other than that, it's an open day for her. It will be perfect for both of us. I may even be able to take Millyra with me and the two of them can play together...or we can all go to the zoo or aquarium or park or...wherever Millyra has come up with for our "to-do" list!

So, I'm meeting with the mother and daughter...and possibly her father...tomorrow at 6. I'm not at all nervous...except for when they see my size. Many people assume that because I'm fat, I'm not active. I am active as muc as I can be. And, since I've gotten my sleeping more under control, I have a LOT more energy to do things. Ayway, that's kinda concerning me. I did tell her I was overweight, but I belonged to the Y and am trying to lose some weight.

2) I only have 2 more weeks of school left. I have Monday through Friday of this week, then Monday through half of Friday next week. Then it's SUMMER BREAK! I'm so excited! And, even though I have to work, I get to choose the job because I get my salary through August.

3) I sent a thank-you card to the princpal with whom I interviewed last week...for the ASL job. I really want to stand out.

4) The second ASL job closes tomorrow. It's also a .8 FTE at a different high school. I would take that one if they offered it to me.

5) I REALLY want the DHH job. I've been "obsessing" about it since the day I saw it posted. It's hard to not get my hopes up...I'm a realist, but I'm also full of self-doubt when it comes to my abilities.

6) I'm really concerned about Dilibririth. I've been researching the Lap Band weight loss surgery. I have her almost convinved to do it. We're actually all going to an informational seminar on Tuesday to learn more about it.

7) I'm kinda hungry...

8) I'm getting sleepy...

9) Veeeeeeeery sleepy...

10) G'nite!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day Ninety-Six...The Chance of a Lifetime

So, as some of you know, I've been trying to get into a teaching job at a specific district here in the area. In fact, it's the same district in which I attended 4th through 12th grade. I graduated from this district and would LOVE...translation - it is my DREAM GOAL - to teach in the same district. What an amazing come full-circle like that! Anyway, tomorrow I have my first opportunity. I'm interviewing for an ASL position at my former high school. Now wouldn't THAT be cool! I'd be teaching alongside some of my former teachers! What a trip! *Squeaking with delight* Yes, tomorrow I have an interview at 9am. And you wonder why I'm still up, not fast asleep? Because I'm SO nervous. I've had such crappy experiences thus far, I don't have the tools I need to be confident and to assert that I AM a good teacher. My track record says I'm not all that good. And sure, I'm not all that experienced, but I am good at what I do. I haven't gotten that one great opportunity to show what I can do without bashing my head into the wall.


So, I hope this is my foot in the door. It's only a .8 FTE (80% of a full time employee), but because of my masters degree and my experience, I am not starting out at base salary. So, I can survive quite well on 80% of my starting salary. In fact, I'll be making about $500 more a month than I'm making now.

And, if THIS position isn't my foot in the door, then I have 2 other opportunities. There's another .8 ASL position at another high school. I'd like that one, too. It's not quite as nice as my high school, but at least it's in the district.


The one I REALLY want...

Is the full-time Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing teacher at the K-8 school where I did my internship in 2005. I would LOVE that job. I already know the principal, the program, the program manager, the students, the other teachers, the Interpreters, and the would be a PERFECT FIT! Ultimately, that's where I want to work.


That job closes on June 11, I think. I'm going to mail a letter to the principal there and let her know I'm very interested. I'll do some name-dropping and see where it gets me.


In other news...

I'm going to Monmouth, OR on Saturday. I have a workshop I'm going to attend. It's about Assessment Tools in the ASL classroom. It'll be VERY informative. I'm also going to a 3-day workshop in the south-end in August. That'll be a thorough training on how to use the Master ASL curriculum. It's free to me because I'm part of the ASL Consortium. I'm working on getting my curriculum approved so that the students who earn a B or better in my high school class can get college credit to satisfy foreign language requirements or pre-req classes if they want to go into a Deafness-related career. Anyway, these 2 conferences/workshops should help me plan for next year, provided I get either of the ASL jobs.

So, right now, my career is very up-in-the-air feeling right now. I have paychecks through August and benefits through September, but after that...


I'll keep y'all posted!