Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day Ten...A Party to Remember

Ok, so it wasn't the GRANDEST party, but I hosted the monthly get-together my church has for our ladies group. I haven't ever had a home in which I could host a large crowd (if you count 13 people as large), so it was nice to have people over. My pastor's wife told my mom she really liked the house we're renting. She expected it to be a lot older looking than it is and said it was beautiful. How nice to know that she thinks I dun good! Not that I need that reassurance, but it was still nice to hear.

And now that our house is clean, we can have company more often! I can't wait to have the "southerners" up! I know the little one plays football on Saturday's, but still...And, I'd love to get to know our neighbors a little more. That's just my personality. I LOVE ENTERTAINING! I'd have a different person/family over every week if I could. I'd love to start going through the church phone book and my friends list and have everyone over just for dinner and conversation. And, having this house, I can do that. We all can do that. It's a GREAT house for entertaining. For Mother's Day, Father's Day and my parents' anniversary, we had 11 people for dinner those days and it was so much fun! In fact, Moob and I are going to work our hardest to get some money to spruce the house and yard up a little so our landlady will agree to a longer lease, or a lease option. We'd LOVE to buy this house. Right now, neither Moob nor I can afford it, but if we get the landlady to agree to a 3-5 year lease, we can have that time to really concentrate on bettering our finances, save for a down payment and buy the house together, both earning equity. One of the ways we're bettering our finances is by attending Financial Peace University. Some couples from our church have gone through it and they've said it revolutionized how they managed their money. I think it will be good for all of us. My parents and brother are going through it, too. So, we'll all be learning together! YAY US!

I'm off to bed now...gotta get my fingerprints tomorrow, drop of a form to my proctor for my final exams for college, and return my defective sidekick. By the way, I HATE T-Mobile...they stink! Long time now. G'nite!

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