Monday, October 29, 2007

Day Thirty-Two...A VERY Bad Dream

I won't go into details, but this dream was so horrible. A person I am very close to died because of a tragic accident...a freak accident. This dream was so real, I woke up crying, sweating and breathing hard. It's strange that I would have this dream about this person. A few days ago, I had a conversation with this person about salvation...this person wasn't sure she saved. I told her that we could change that right now because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. If a person believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, he will be saved. If a person asks God to forgive his sins, accepts Jesus as his personal savior, believing that Jesus was born of a virgin, grew up without sin, died on the cross for our sins, 3 days later God raised him from the dead and now He sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us, that person is saved and going to heaven. My friend said she had prayed and asked for forgiveness a few days earlier. She also said that she has always believed in Jesus and what he did on the cross. I believe that if she truly asked for forgiveness and believes in Jesus, she's saved. I still have this nagging "What If"...especially after this dream. I hope it's not an indication of anything to come...

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