Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day Seventy-One...The Third Day of Swimming

So, this week Moob and I decided we were going to get back into swimming...even with my bum foot! The Dr said it was ok to swim because it is high resistance, low impact. So, today was day three. I started out not wanting to go on Monday. Then, I didn't go on Tuesday. Then, I (reluctantly) went yesterday. I actually felt better yesterday for going. Today, it wasn't as much of a battle to go. I just met Moob at the Y and we just did it. I hope it gets easier as the days go on. I'm sure it it becomes a habit, it'll be easier to 'just go' every day. And, really, that's what I need. I need it to be an every day thing. It's too easy for me to put it off a day, then another day, then another...pretty soon, I'm derailed. I really don't want to get derailed again. I'm tired of falling off the tracks and having to pick myself back up, dust myself back on and get on the train again. It sucks! So, I think I'm just going to 'do it' this time. I've already lost 4 pounds since I went to the doctor on the 23rd of February. I attribute MOST of that to having to haul around this big, dumb boot all day long!

So, I'm not going to make any 'resolutions' or 'promises' or 'grand plans'...I'm just gonna do it. I really do feel better when I take care of myself. When I do, it makes it much easier to take care of others :-D

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