Friday, May 9, 2008

Day Eighty-Eight...Awaiting Answers

So, my fate lies in the hands of complete strangers. I know how defendants on trial feel, but the people judging my case aren't even a jury of my peers. Still, I am not anxious about being fired. I AM anxious about finding out one way or the other. I AM anxious about getting back to work and finishing the school year with my students and well. I AM anxious about building trust with my students in the next 5-6 weeks left of school. I AM anxious that when I go to apply to my next job, this will have a negative impact on me getting that job.


"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God."

"And the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."

Two of the verses I live by.

I have peace and confidence, not in myself and my abilities, but in the fact that God will take care of the situation in the way His name will be most glorified...despite me and anything I can do.

On the home front, Moob and Olorin are going out of town tomorrow, leaving Millyra at home with me for the weekend. I'm excited! It hasn't been just her and I...well, ever, I think! Heh! That's because we all live together and wherever Moob goes, Millyra goes. But this weekend, I have some fun things planned. First and foremost, SHRIMP! We are the 2 in the house that LOVE shrimp! We don't ever eat it because 1) it's expensive, and 2) we wouldn't eat it just ourselves in front of Moob and Olorin. So, it's gonna be steak and shrimp. And, we'll probably do some baking...maybe some movies. Just have an all-over girl's weekend! Then, we'll go to church with my parents and brother for Mother's Day and come back to my place for dinner. Haven't figured out what I'm cooking, yet. I DO have a London Broil I could cook if I got some more propane for the BBQ. That would be good, picking up some baby red potatoes and cooking them with some veggies. Yum! I think I might do that...

And, I'll have Sulla (my bro) figure out some dessert or something. He did that last year. He and Millyra made individual tiramisu bowls. Yum!

Or, we just might get a watermelon or something.

We'll see...

1 comment:

La Moob said...

I'll text you ahead of time if I can get back before dinner.
