Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Eighty-Seven...Getting Nervous

Ok, so, I went online and found that my district now has a substitute arranged for me for the remainder of the week. I was told by the Principal Monday morning that he already had the sub for Monday and Tuesday and I would come in on Wednesday. Also, Wednesday, we'd have a meeting with the union rep. Now, I was totally prepared to be fired on Wednesday. I'm NOT prepared to have a sub in my class when I'm going in. Finally, I emailed my principal, the vice principal and my director asking what's going on. I told them that I would wait to do to hear from them before I do anything...

But, now I'm getting advice to go in. Well, I'm not sure I'm going to do that. I'll see in the morning...

I'll keep you posted.

On a better note, I have 2 interviews this week and next. One is for a teaching job in Shoreline and one is for a job in the summer at WSD. I should be fine...I just wish others could see it.

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