Friday, September 7, 2007

Day Six...Feeling Good...

I got up early this morning. Ok, it was 11:00, but when you work the night shift, that's early! I got up and worked out for about 35 minutes in my living room. I sweated...and I HATE sweating. It's just gross! But, in all honesty, I felt pretty good after. I had to cut the workout down by about 15 minutes because I didn't want to over-do myself on the first day. But, it was still a good chunk of time. I got my heart rate up, stretched some muscles and I felt pretty good going to work today. No headache! YAY! I am feeling a little tension in my hip and knee, but we'll see what happens tommorrow morning. I don't want it to discourage me from exercising. Maybe I'll just do the warm up and cool down...stretching is good!

So, I found out Mr. Yummy is Mr. Off Limits. Yep, married...pooh! Oh, well. Life goes on!

I've been doing some soul-searching. I need to take care of myself. I really don't do that and I'm not entirely sure why. I've been so worried and caught up in making sure everyone else is satisfied that I've ignored me and my relationship with God and with others. I need to make sure I'm healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and all of the other -ally's I can think of. Once those things are in check, the other "life stuff" will fall into place.

Off to bed...

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