Friday, September 28, 2007

Day Twenty...A Week Off

So, while I've enjoyed having this last week off, I'm ready to get back to work. I had 2 sub jobs for this week but both cancelled last minute. Like I said, I enjoy not working (who wouldn't?), but at the same time, I quit my other job so I could work somewhere else. That has yet to happen!

I applied for unenjoyment (as Moob calls it!) because I had to quit my job for my health. We'll see how THAT goes!

Not much more to talk about. Today's been kinda a slow day. I printed all my articles, organized them into a folder, highlighted the key info, and now I have good direction for my paper. It feels good to be much closer to the end. I'm actually changing the title of my paper from "The Role of Sign Language Interpreters in the Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students" to "I Have a Deaf Student In My Class? What Do I Do Now?". It's a bit broader subject, but will be focused on the role of Sign Language Interpreters in the classroom. It will also help me present my material to teachers/staff/parents when I get to the DHH program in which I will work...eventually...I hope!

Oh, and I get my truck back tomorrow! Not that anyone has had it, but I had to stop driving it. I took it from Star to Twin Falls Idaho about 18 months ago and it started acting up. When I drove it home to Washington, it seemed fine, but around September, it started again. So, Dad put a new fuel filter in and it seemed to be working fine, but then my tabs expired in December of last year. So...I had to get a Washington title before I could get new tabs. Well, cuz I'm so well organized, I lost my original title. So, I called Idaho DOT. They said there was still a lien on it from the loan company from which I borrowed to pay my RENT in Idaho. Well, I knew I had the title and the release, but I didn't know where. So, I had to get the loan company to fax a lien release to the state, then get the state to issue me a new title. That took FOREVER! I finally got it a few months ago. But, my truck has been parked at my parents' house since December of 2006...waiting for a good little truck! So...I have to go tomorrow to get a 3-day pass from DOL, drop Millyra off at a birthday party, go to my parents' house, get my truck, gas it up with "the good gas", run it around town to get all the cobwebs out, then have it pass emissions (please, God, let it pass emissions!) so I can get my title transferred and new license plates and tabs. I hope that will all happen tomorrow! If it doesn't pass emissions, I'll have to make an appointment at Andy's Auto to have it fixed (or if not fixed, then enough to have them sign the waiver so I can get my tabs anyway) and I'll have to wait until it's fixed, have it emission tested again, THEN get my tabs.

And, Delibririth, Olorion, Millyra and I are all going to WalMart in Marysville to do grocery shopping tomorrow! I LOVE shopping for groceries. It's fun to take a set amount of money and see how much food we can get with that. My dad and I made it a game when I was younger...we didn't have a bunch of money so we'd get cash and get as MUCH food for as close to our budgeted amount as we could. It was fun! And now Olorion is hooked on going with us's fun!

Ok, so I lied about not having much to talk about. But, hey, I'm a girl...I have a LOT to say! But, I've said all I'm going to say tonight. I'm off to bed! G'nite!

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