Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day Thirty-Five...Bittersweet

Well, it's been 8 long years since I decided to return to college and finish my AA. I finished that degree in August of 2002 and went on to get my BA in 2005. I went on to pursue my MA and, I am so happy to say that I just submitted my final assignment for that degree. I'm done. I'm going to cry, but I'm done. It's been one heck of a journey and I'm sad to be out of school, but at the same an amazing feeling. It's take me so long to be able to say I completed something and now I've done it. And early, too! Ok, early is a relative concept since I'm 31 and just now finishing college, but my paper wasn't due until tomorrow at midnight, but here it is 9:30 and I just sent it off to my professor. I'll graduate in December with my masters degree in Deaf Ed. I get to put letters behind my name on my business cards :-D

The only thing I have left to do is to study for a comprehensive exam in Deaf Ed on November 17th. That won't be a big deal, though. Deaf Ed is what I live and breathe so...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! SO EXCITING!!!! And I'm so thrilled for you! Do something fun to celebrate! :-)